My Decklists
Deck Name Color(s) Number of cards
Loki 59
Lich_Reloaded 74
Isis, burning/rush 56
Lich_The Reanimator 71
Untitled Deck 14
Commander of fire 71
The March of the Valkyries 56
Valentina 4.0_Control 85
Valentina 2.0 65
Lenneth-Strangers_Beta 67
Solarisation_Alisaris<br> 51
Valentina 3.0_Beta<br> 51
Lunya incarnation/agro&lt;br&gt; 58
Dark Elf rush 62
Lunya, the tool box 52
Valentina, princess of love 72
Incarnation.pdf 59
Wesker, King of Raccoon City 73
Ecos de R'lyeh 64