My Decklists
Deck Name Color(s) Number of cards
Fire and Wind Structure Deck (ABC) 74
Water and Wind Structure Deck (ABC) 74
Light and Water Structure Deck (ABC) 74
Fire and Darkness Structure Deck (ABC) 74
Light and Darkness Structure Deck (ABC) 74
Asuka Starter Deck (Hero Cluster) 52
Aristella Starter Deck (Hero Cluster) 52
Villains Starter Deck (Duel Cluster) 52
Tales Starter Deck (Duel Cluster) 52
Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 Starter Deck (Alice Origin Cluster) 51
Pricia Starter Deck (Alice Origin Cluster) 62
Valentina Starter Deck (Alice Origin Cluster) 62
Melgis Starter Deck (Alice Origin Cluster) 72
Faria Starter Deck (Alice Origin Cluster) 72
New Valhalla Entry Set [Darkness] 66
New Valhalla Entry Set [Wind] 66
New Valhalla Entry Set [Water] 66
New Valhalla Entry Set [Fire] 66
New Valhalla Entry Set [Light] 66
The Lost Tomes (Reiya Cluster) 52
Children of the Night (Reiya Cluster) 52
Elemental Surge (Reiya Cluster) 52
Below the Waves (Reiya Cluster) 52
Blood of Dragons (Reiya Cluster) 52
King of the Mountain (Reiya Cluster) 52
Vampiric Hunger (Lapis Cluster) 52
Swarming Elves (Lapis Cluster) 52
Malefic Ice (Lapis Cluster) 52
Rage of R'lyeh (Lapis Cluster) 52
Fairy Tale Force (Lapis Cluster) 52
Rezzard, the Undead Lord (Alice Cluster) 52
Pricia, the Beast Lady (Alice Cluster) 52
Valentina, the Princess of Love (Alice Cluster) 52
Machina, the Machine Lord (Alice Cluster) 52
Arla, the Winged Lord (Alice Cluster) 52
Faria, the Sacred Queen and Melgis, the Flame King (Alice Cluster) 124
Lumia vs. Snow White (Grimm Cluster) 61
Alice vs. Dracula (Grimm Cluster) 61
Jet Black Phantom (placeholder) 0
Magic Circle of the Hurricane (placeholder) 0
Royal Palace of the Roaring Seas (placeholder) 0
Wolves of the Raging Flames (placeholder) 0
Knights of the Round Table (placeholder) 0