My Decklists
Deck Name Color(s) Number of cards
This Is How I Would Do It 57
“Not” A Burn Deck 70
Elektra.dek 68
Return of the King 69
Vampire Starter 51
Elf Starter 51
Rail Gun 58
What in Blue Blaze(r)s? 69
I Don’t Like This 53
Stein’s Gate 72
Order Athenia: REDUX 68
New Wolfgang 52
Red (Eyes) White and Blue 70
Full Metal 52
Quest for Booty 53
1589 54
Salem, c. 1692 66
The Stones are an Acronym 52
It all happened so fast. It was just WOOOSH and she was gone! 67
Spaceballs 2.0 78
A Little “Rusty” 67
Serenade Vier: LIVE in Concert!! 67
If ya can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. 54
Odin Enters the Crimson Moon’s Battleground 68
Demon Tribal 55
Get ON the AAAARK!! 66
Force of Wind 53
Dragoon Age: Liberation 69
Love is Pain 69
Vampire Diaries 53
This Deck Does ONE Thing 66
Back to Basics 70
I THINK This is What They "Wanted" Us to Do? 68
Snow White Control 72
Just One...Spoils the Bunch 52
You Thought it was Tina, but it was Tree! 75
Cain’s Arsenal 56
The B*tch Came Back 54
Haha Ethereal Go Brrr… 56
Abdul 67
Shuffle Grimm 54
I Don’t Know Which One is the Real Threat!! 54
Here. Hold this. 55
Green Blazer 81
Old Fashioned Aggro 63
Elf Ball 51
Sherry Stuff 54
Tales of Wonderland 54
Reinhardt's Ethereal Cthulhu's 50
Civil War 53
Blue/Black Solaria 69
TaFT Tree 69
Basic Blazer 76
Sorry, Odin. No Fun for You. 51
Malefic World 78
Tekashi 6echs 9eun 52
Trouble in Paradise 67
Who Said Brandhardt Was Dead? 86
RIP Brandhardt 66
You ARE the Gears 56
Solaristation of Light 51
I THINK This Works? 53
Post-Errata Reinhardt 69
Get Merc’d 51
Tr@!n_Wr3ck.dek 66
Reinhardt Primer 52
Mono Brandhardt 66
Solitaire 51
Cancer.dek 52
Brandhardt Primer 61
Maya Primer 61
Bad Guy Combo 70
WIP for Ruler School July Discord Event 67
Choose Your Weapon!! 75
Goin' Swimmin' 67
NEW!! Pepsi Fire!! 68
Untitled Deck 0
Era yo, Zacaría, todo este tiempo 67
fAiRiEs! 61
Achtjund! 53
Loki-lymipans 56
Elektra Mid-Range 63
Combination Banned List as of H4 "Crimson Moon's Battleground" 64
Banned List as of H4 "Crimson Moon's Battleground" 44
M-O-O-N. That Spells "Tom Cullen". 73
ABC - Moonshine 81
OG Odin 52
#FreeAtLast 57
Simply Stunning v2.01 52
Arla...but NEW 77
Road to the Ebon Home 71