[ABC] Template
by Akielo
Ruler (Arcana)
Magic Stone Deck (min. 12 / max.20)
Main cost 1 or less (exact 20)
Main cost 2 (at least 15)
Main cost 3 or more (at least 10)
Main Extra Rulers (Max 4)
Arcanas Rulers: https://www.fowtcg.com/posts/122
Whole ruling http://www.fowtcg.com/pdf/abc.pdf
3.3 A main deck is a pile of cards that contains any card except for:
- Rulers with the Arcana type.
- Magic Stones.
- Runes without the chant type.
- (Stranger) resonators.
- Sub-rulers.
3.3.1 A main deck must contain exactly sixty cards.
3.3.2 A main deck cannot contain:
- Cards with no attribute.
- Cards with an attribute other than the starting Arcana Ruler’s attributes.
3.3.7 When deckbuilding, Alternative cards count as their combined total cost
3.3.8 When deckbuilding, cards with information in both sides have the attributes of both sides.
3.4.2A magic stone deck may have any amount of basic magic stones with the same name.
3.4.3A magic stone deck cannot contain a magic stone card with a printed will symbol other than the printed will symbols on the attribute of the starting Arcana ruler.
Deck Restrictions