New Frontiers list for Acht

Contract and Charge of 1000 Blades are the primary <<War>> payoffs. Ethereal Princess, Rushing Dino, Warring Merc, and Red Sunchild are the primary <<War>> enablers. Necromancy gives 3 quick <<War>> enablers which helps turn on VIP Seats or gives card advantage with Princess or Magi Trooper. Ki Lua spell is always useful. Phantasmal Ascendant helps enable strong turns and contract as early as turn 1 (with coin). Raging Messiah and Warring Dragon are for potential combo kills. Sealed One-Eye is always good. Flighter has potential in grindier matchups.

Side deck: Judgment of Solari for addition/control decks; Outer Space for Order rulers; Child of Eclipse for Light Moon Child or other problematic God Art's; Leowulf against removal heavy decks; Angelic Battle Barrier for Justice and other decks that pop off; Hellfire counters numerous protection spells; Violet and Mariabella for removal heavy decks and because it's kinda spicy.
Deck Restrictions

Deck Statistics

Attribute distribution in %

Card cost distribution

Sample starting hand